Gore Horror Video Game Designs
25 Games So Gory You'll Need A Shower After (WARNING: Graphic Images)
Warning: Contains Highly Graphic Images
Hey! Warning! Before you go clicking through this gallery, we thought you should know that it contains incredibly violent imagery not suited for small children, large children, and most adults, for that matter.
Seriously. It's pretty grim from here on out.
Viewer discretion is definitely advised, so if you don't want to see severed heads and far, far worse, you might want to turn back, make yourself a cup of warm milk, and check out a Hello Kitty Island Adventure gallery instead.
Otherwise, scroll on, brave soul.
(Image credit: Whiptail Interactive)
Mortal Kombat
When the original Mortal Kombat came out in 1992, congressmen held hearings to alert parents about the over-the-top violence in the game, like Kano's heart-ripping finishing move.
Thankfully, those congressmen were successful and not a single violent game has ever been made since.
(Image credit: Midway Games)
Mortal Kombat 11 Beta - Brutalities & Fatalities Compilation
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Mortal Kombat 11
Oh wait, no. My mistake. The Mortal Kombat franchise is still going strong 27 years later and it's more brutally violent than ever.
Meanwhile, congressional approval ratings have never been lower.
Mortal Kombat X
The tenth installment of Mortal Kombat has some seriously gruesome fatalities.
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Interactive)
Mortal Kombat X
Victory has never tasted so good.
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Interactive)
God of War 3
Certainly God of War's Kratos is no stranger to bathing in the blood of his enemies. Case in point: After interrogating Helios in God of War 3, you get to tear his head off -- with gory, flesh-rending realism.
(Image credit: Sony Computer Entertainment)
Resident Evil 4
There's plenty of gore to be had in Resident Evil games, but the fourth installment in the series really shines in the blood-and-guts department.
Few scenes from Resident Evil 4 are more iconic than this burlap-sacked Ganado tearing poor Leon's head off with a chainsaw.
(Image credit: Capcom)
Resident Evil 6
Not that Resident Evil 6 didn't have its own share of gruesomely gory death scenes. Like when this Rasklapanje feeds Leon -- and itself -- into a meat massive grinder.
(Image credit: Capcom)
House of Velez
This exceptionally grim indie title (available on Steam) has a stomach-churning number of decapitation scenes. "I want your skin," indeed.
(Image credit: Dark Room Games)
Dead Space 2
(Image credit: Electronic Arts)
Cross my heart, hope to die...
Seriously, though, what the hell is it with Dead Space 2 and eye gouging? Necromorphs are jerks.
(Image credit: Electronic Arts)
Harvester, a grim and grizzly PC point-and-click from 1996, is absolutely filled with over-the-top gore. In one poorly-acted scene, you come across a gang of naughty triplets eating their mom alive.
Surprisingly, mom is kinda OK with it.
(Image credit: Merit Studios)
Seriously, we cannot emphasize enough how gruesomely terrible all of Harvester's live action scenes are. As in, gruesomely terrible acting.
(Image credit: Merit Studios)
Bioshock Infinite
You can watch your skin melt off your hands clear down to the bone in Bioshock Infinite. But that's nothing when compared to the game's goriest moment, which involves an incredibly racist stage show and a sky-hook to the face.
(Image credit: 2K Games)
Doom (2016)
The demons in this one really love slapping you to death with your own disembodied limbs. Rough.
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Think you need advanced CGI to make a gory cutscene? Point-and-click game Phantasmagoria (1995) has plenty of horrible Hollywood-style live-action gore, like this scene where your face gets torn open like a warm melon.
(Image credit: Sierra On-Line)
Sniper Elite 3
Boom, headshot!
(Image credit: 505 Games)
The Darkness II
When it comes to ripping out someone's spine, there are two ways to do it. Mortal Kombat's Sub Zero does it the "gentle" way. This scene from The Darkness II shows the "not-so-gentle" way to do it.
(Image credit: 2K Games)
Postal 2
When several countries ban the sale of your game, you know you've truly created a sick, stomach-churning masterpiece of death and murder. Such is the case with the slaughterfest that is Postal 2, a game so violent it was initially banned in Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and Sweden.
"Remember, it's only as violent as you are!"
(Image credit: Whiptail Interactive)
MadWorld (Wii) puts you in the middle of a gameshow called "DeathWatch," which is even more bloody, violent and over-the-top than you're expecting.
(Image credit: PlatinumGames)
Splatterhouse 3
The Splatterhouse series has always delivered in the gore department, but Splatterhouse 3 (1993) definitely took the franchise into new, dark territory.
Stage 2 starts with your wife, Jennifer, being infected by a boreworm. When the countdown timer reaches 2:00, the worm "gorges" on her brain and then "squirms bloated in her skull."
(Image credit: Namco)
Tomb Raider (2013)
As Indiana Jones taught us, the life of an adventurous archaeologist is fraught with peril. To hammer the point home, anything short of success in Tomb Raider (2013) "rewards" you with some absolutely brutal death cutscenes.
(Image credit: Square Enix)
Splatterhouse (2010)
The most recent installment in the Splatterhouse series doesn't skimp on the vicera, either. Rick tears these monsters in half like they're a sheet of 1-ply.
(Image credit: Namco Bandai)
Quake 4
The stroggification procedure in Quake 4 is absolutely chilling to watch. It's a 4-minute-long cutscene where machines rip your body apart to replace flesh with machinery.
(Image credit: Activision)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
The brain extraction scene in this game is absolutely horrifying. But what else would you expect from an evil Nazi scientist?
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Until Dawn
In this particularly grim scene from Supermassive's Until Dawn, Chris is forced to choose between sawing his crush, Ashley, in half, or sawing his best friend, Josh, in half.
Spoiler alert: No matter what you choose, it doesn't work out so well for Josh.
(Image credit: Sony Computer Entertainment)
...the most violent death in Until Dawn is...
Saw: The Video Game
This game is just as brutal and unforgiving as the movie it's based on.
(Image credit: Konami/Brash)
The Evil Within
Being run through with a chainsaw is a pretty bad way to start your day. And it's not even close to the most gruesome way to die in this survival horror game.
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Aliens vs. Predator
Based on the popular gory movie franchises, Aliens vs. Predator delivers in terms of blood spatter. Play as an Alien, and you get to forcibly impregnate humans with chestbursters. Play as the Predator, and you can collect human skulls as trophies. Fun!
(Image credit: Sega)
Hotline Miami
In this bloody top-down shooter set in 1989 Miami, you're tasked with executing as many members of the Russian mafia you can. Be extra brutal -- it's how you earn those sweet bonus points.
(Image credit: Dennaton Games)
You made it out alive! Congrats!
Congratulations for making it all the way through the gallery!
Please enjoy this picture of an adorable corgi puppy to cleanse your palate.
Note: Please do not eat the puppy.
(Image credit: Naho Yoshizawa/Aflo/Corbis)
Gore Horror Video Game Designs
Source: https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/25-games-so-gory-youll-need-a-shower-after-warning/2900-366/
Posted by: petersonketionce.blogspot.com
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